Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Big Difference Scheme?
The Big Difference Scheme can help customers who are in receipt of a low income and struggling to pay their water charges. If eligible for the scheme, you could receive a discount on your Severn Trent water bill.
Who is eligible?
The scheme is open to all Severn Trent Water customers who are in receipt of a low income and meet the income threshold criteria.
What information will I need to provide when completing the online application form?
You will need to provide details of who lives at the property with you, your total household income, Severn Trent Water account number and proof of all household income. You MUST provide us with proof of your household income to qualify.
Why do I have to declare all household income when applying for the Big Difference Scheme?
Applications are assessed against household income thresholds therefore; you will need to declare income received from all adults living at the property (all adults over 18).
Will I need to provide proof of my income?
Yes – You will need to provide proof of ALL household income. We can accept recent pay slips, bank statements and benefit award letters as evidence. If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, you must send your full breakdown showing how it has been calculated.
What email address can I send my proof of income to?
You can send your proof of income to bdsoffice@bigdiff.co.uk. Please remember to include your full name and 6-digit ref number in the subject line so we can attach this to your application.
How do I provide proof of my Universal Credit as my statement is online?
You can provide screenshots of your most recent payment and send via email to bdsoffice@bigdiff.co.uk.
We cannot process your application if the proof provided does not show your name and address.

A Universal Credit Screenshot will need to show the following:
- Name and address
- Date
- Breakdown of payment (housing and child elements, take home pay)
- Deductions if any
- Total payment for the month
How do I take a screenshot of my income on my mobile phone?
Please see below a guide on how to screen shot on both Apple and Android devices.

How to screenshot on Apple device (Touch ID model)
- Press the lock button and the home button at the same time.
- Quickly release both buttons.
- You can locate the screenshot in your pictures / gallery.

How to screenshot on an Android device
- Press the home and volume down button at the same time.
- If the above does not work press and hold the power button for a few seconds and then tap screenshot.
- You can locate the screen shot in your pictures.
It states I am not eligible for the Big Difference Scheme. What should I do next?
If you are not eligible for the Big Difference Scheme you will need to contact Severn Trent Water on 0345 750 0500 to set up a payment plan and see what other schemes are available.
Can I track the progress of my application?
You can track the progress of your application via the ‘submitted applications’ section.